Founded in 2003, Gravel Watch Ontario is a “coalition of coalitions”, comprised of citizens’ groups, non-government organizations and individuals from across Ontario. Through this network, Gravel Watch Ontario represents and advocates on behalf of thousands of Ontarians in matters related to aggregate resources.

Board of Directors
Platform Statement
Gravel Watch Ontario’s Platform Statement, including concerns and recommendations, can be accessed here (.pdf document).
Gravel Watch Ontario acts in the interests of residents and communities to protect the health, safety, quality of life of Ontarians and the natural environment in matters that relate to aggregate resources.
Gravel Watch Ontario envisions a province where laws, policies, processes, decisions and actions related to aggregate resources ensure the health, safety and quality of life of Ontarians and conserve and protect the natural environment.
Gravel Watch Ontario Values:
- safe, healthy and livable communities,
- conservation, preservation and protection of the natural environment,
- water quality and water quantity,
- transparent and responsible government, and
- a public that is informed, engaged and respectfully considered.